Be A Disciple Maker

Are you making disciples who make disciples? God’s strategy for the multiplication of His followers is at the heart of His will for each of us, and this command is to be central to our lives until Christ’s return. It is simply God’s priority for His people.

“The things which you have heard from me

in the presence of many witnesses,

entrust these to faithful people who will be

able to teach others also.”
– 2 Timothy 2:2

Jesus calls us to leverage our lives for this purpose, training up new believers who will, in turn, reach and teach others. We are to carry out this plan of multiplication until all nations, or every people group, has been reached. Many of us have been blessed with the knowledge and training necessary, and we must not keep it to ourselves! Being a disciple maker is the specific calling of every disciple of Christ, and to this end, we will all someday give an account.

“To whom much is given, much will be required.”– Luke 12:48

Who should make disciples? All followers of Christ are commanded by their Creator to reproduce themselves through intentional, life on life discipleship. Once someone has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, he or she has the ability to share what they know, regardless of how little or how much, with others so that they may know Him as well. As the believer matures in their faith, they become more and more equipped to teach others also. Fresh streams of life-giving water pour into a believer’s life and flow into the lives of others. Consider a reservoir which is obstructed so that water is not able to pass through. The stagnant body of water soon becomes stale and unhealthy. The same is true in the life of a believer. God designed it this way. We were created to reach and teach others.

Whom should we Disciple? Looking to God’s Word, we see that we are to leverage our lives to reach and teach the lost from our own community and to the ends of the earth. (Matthew 28:18- 20, Acts 1:8) This is why Reel Life focuses on assisting God’s people in local outreach and discipleship as well as global missions.

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.”– Matthew 9:37

When it comes to making disciples in a different culture, we facilitate sending both people and resources to encourage local churches in reaching their communities. Here in our own neighborhoods, we offer simple systems, structure and resources to assist in the process. God’s Word tells us that there are plenty of people to disciple; the issue is there is a lack of available disciple makers. Many are capable, but few make themselves available. On the other hand, there are an abundance of people all around us who are living apart from Christ. They must be reached, and untrained believers must be equipped. The questions is… what role will you play?

Contact us at and we can help you get engaged today!