Donations at Work

All the projects that we have been able to do are because of the donations of multiple generous people. Below is a list of all the things made possible thanks to the donations that have been gifted to our organization.



  • Participated in soccer outreach ministry with Seed Soccer in the communities of Vista Hermosa and Bella Vista
  • Conducted Vacation Bible School in impoverished communities
  • Ministered to a special needs community through making food baskets and yard cleanup



  • Participated in food ministry in impoverished areas in Tegucigalpa
  • Shared God’s love at Casa David, a children’s hospital
  • Led activities and games at a home for rescued children, Finca Grace


  • Ministered to children and assisted in classrooms at Emanuel House, a school for impoverished children
  • Assisted and lead activities with girls at Lily House, a home for rescued girls
  • Ministered to special needs children at Casa de Luz
  • Served girls and lead activities at Pasitos home for girls


  • Helped box meals for families in need
  • Constructed a large awning on the back of a building
  • Prepared an adjacent area for a garden



  • Worked alongside the local church to share the gospel and participate in the discipling of elementary school age children
  • Provided supplies to a local school and encouraged the teachers


  • Discipled American college students to intentionally live out their faith
  • Held a camp for children and participated in arts, crafts, and games as a means to share the love of Christ
  • Conducted house visitations to love and encourage oppressed families and help grow the local church


  • Served workers and teenage girls at Pasitos Home for Girls
  • As a means to meet a physical need while sharing the gospel, our teams distributed solar lanterns to impoverished families in areas with limited electricity
  • Participated in house visitations in Santo Domingo to help grow the local church
  • Ministered to special needs children at Casa de Luz
  • Participated in a food distribution to impoverished families in Pajarito
  • Assisted with Bible training for residents of the Lily House, a home for rescued girls
  • Engaged in sports ministry with local children as a means to build relationships and share the gospel


  • Ministered to a special needs community through sports outreach
  • Invested in building relationships with locals through weaving and crafts
  • Participated in soccer outreach ministry with Seed Soccer in the communities of Vista Hermosa and Bella Vista
  • Conducted Vacation Bible School in impoverished communities
  • Provided discipleship training to new believers
  • Held medical clinics to meet physical and spiritual needs in some of the poorest areas of the region


  • Served residents at the city dump by constructing a hygiene station with a restroom and kitchen area with running water
  • Helped build a portion of a protective wall around an elementary school outside Guatemala City
  • Participated in a prayer walk through the community, lifting up locals as well as Potter’s House Ministry staff as they serve the residents of the dump, lovingly referred to as “treasurers”


  • Prayed with many residents in a dump community and shared the gospel through house visitations
  • Ministered to children in the hospital and encouraged the staff
  • Shared God’s love with special needs children
  • Participated in food ministry in impoverished areas
  • Held medical clinics in the poorest areas, treating thousands of patients as a means of meeting physical and spiritual needs
  • Connected many to the local church through medical outreach efforts
  • Trained community leaders in providing a variety of basic medical treatments
  • Built intentional relationships through service projects at a local assisted living facility


  • Provided warm meals to residents of local villages as a means to build relationships and strengthen the local church
  • Used sports and games to engage with children and teach them about God and His love for them
  • Participated in men’s discipleship groups alongside local pastors
  • Distributed food through house visitations in an effort to care for the poor and grow the local church


  • Conducted a basketball camp for inner city youth as a means of outreach
  • Led Vacation Bible School for inner city, at-risk children
  • Participated in the homeless ministry by providing a meal and sharing testimonies at a church service


  • Assisted a local church partner in hosting a Vacation Bible School for community children
  • Participated in a construction project alongside the local church
  • Visited homes throughout the area to build relationships with residents and share the love of Christ



  • Conducted Vacation Bible School for the children of impoverished communities
  • Provided funding for local church construction


  • Provided school supplies for Emanuel House, a school for children in the poorest areas
  • Participated in a fundraiser for local pastors and communities
  • Distributed water filters
  • Visited local hospital to spend time with sick and injured children
  • Cleared debris, leveled ground, and poured foundation for a house to be rebuilt


  • Led professional seminars for teachers at Alliance Academy International
  • Presented critical thinking skills for secondary students
  • Worked with special needs ministry
  • Distributed food to special needs families


  • Provided medical clinics for the sick and ailing
  • Supplied reading glasses and hygiene products for those in need


  • Shared the gospel and witnessed first time professions of faith
  • Improved and drastically changed living conditions for 2 families


  • Distributed supplies to those in need
  • Conducted Vacation Bible School for children of impoverished communities
  • Provided English classes


  • Served lunch and ministered to homeless on the streets
  • Shared the gospel in homes and in the streets to the locals
  • Distributed food, candy, and stuffed animals to children in impoverished communities


  • Held medical clinics in impoverished communities
  • Served food to families in need


  • Improved house and living conditions for 2 families
  • Cleaned up homes and yards post hurricane
  • Cleared a path up the side of a mountain so a local family could farm


  • Conducted Vacation Bible School for children of impoverished communities
  • Participated in medical outreach
  • Provided evening film ministry for migrant farm workers
  • Helped a local church host a cookout for the entire community where several children who were a part of the trip got to share their testimonies of Jesus’ love


  • Mobilized inner-city youth from Birmingham to go and minister to those who live in inner-city Washington DC



  • Engaged in Vacation Bible School in public parks where the gospel has very little penetration


  • Conducted sports outreach with local youth


  • Visited homes to share gospel and pray with local believers
  • Shared testimonies in house churches
  • Witnessed many individuals profess faith in Christ for the first time
  • Participated in outreach with local youth through baseball games
  • Trained young people to share their testimonies and be bold for the sake of Christ
  • Partnered with local churches for teaching and outreach
  • Worked with American surgeons, as well as government officials, from the U.S. and Cuba in order to bring a terminally ill child from Cuba to America for treatment


  • Provided water filtration, solar lights, and the good news of the gospel to impoverished families in sugarcane villages
  • Conducted youth outreach through Little League baseball games
  • Encouraged kids to be bold and share their testimonies following games
  • Assisted in the training and discipleship of Auburn football players
  • Conducted outreach through relational outings.
  • Participated in youth ministry within impoverished Haitian refugee villages.


  • Provided medical care and physical therapy to special needs families and senior adults in impoverished areas


  • Built home for impoverished family scavenging to survive at the Guatemala City dump


  • Traveled to hard-to-reach areas in the mountains of Haiti, visiting remote villages
  • Engaged in light construction projects
  • Taught Bible lessons to local youth
  • Distributed water filters and solar lights
  • Participated in relational community outreach


  • Ministered relationally to both male and female orphans and street children
  • Conducted lessons regarding a biblical view of work for orphan teenage boys
  • Delivered food to impoverished families
  • Shared the gospel around the city dump


  • Provided flood relief funding
  • Mobilized individuals to assist in flood relief efforts


  • Made contact with local churches
  • Engaged in relational evangelism with locals


  • Joined the local church to provide medical care for migrant farm workers
  • Conducted Vacation Bible School for the children of impoverished communities
  • Assisted in the construction of a new youth center for the local church


  • Mobilized inner-city youth from Birmingham to go and minister to those who live in inner-city areas of Washington DC



  • Participated with local churches in flood relief for families in need
  • Provided needed supplies, food, water, cleaning solutions, and manual assistance for the relief effort


  • Distributed safe water systems, food and bibles through the local church to low income villages
  • Provided baseball equipment to local teams alongside national missionaries for community youth programs


  • Built a new home for a family living in extreme poverty outside the Guatemala City Dump
  • Renovated another home and constructed new beds for 2 impoverished families
  • Assisted with a nutrition program from children in the community


  • Distributed food to impoverished families outside a local garbage dump
  • Raised funds for orphans and abandoned street children through Forgotten Children’s Ministry


  • Brought a Haitian Pastor from Miami, FL to conduct a revival for island refugees
  • Event helped to initiate the launch of a new church plant in the community


  • Conducted a health fair for several hundred migrant workers
  • Assisted a local church partner in the construction of the roof system for a new Christian youth center


  • Raised funding to send a team of deserving high school students & faculty from Restoration Academy in Birmingham, AL to serve in an inner city community just outside our nation’s capital



  • Used karate to share the Gospel in schools


  • Encouraged house churches through participation in local ministry
  • Assisted locals with large youth concert outreach event


  • Served families at the Guatemala City Dump
  • Renovated a home for an impoverished family


  • Encouraged the local church through site projects
  • Joined the church in community outreach through food distribution
  • Participated in preaching and teaching through the local church
  • Constructed new home for an impoverished family


  • Assisted in Gospel-Centered orphan care
  • Participated in outreach through food distribution around the city dump


  • Conducted medical outreach for migrant farm workers
  • Assisted field partner in youth ministry
  • Hosted community outreach event to support the local church
  • Encouraged the local church with needed facility renovations


  • Ministered to domestic refugees alongside Haitian Pastor in the inner city
  • Assisted the local church with funding for a van used for outreach through food distribution as well as transporting community residents to and from church


  • Participated in Gospel-Centered orphan care
  • Provided financial support for missionary to assist women in learning a trade



  • Served an orphanage in San Jose, Costa Rica, providing needed love and attention for the children and assisting with facility repairs.


  • Provided gospel-centered mentoring and feeding sessions for youth.
  • Conducted medical fairs where families were able to see a physician, receive eyeglasses, learn about hygiene, hear the gospel, and be connected to a local church.
  • Provided funding for our second church plant in Cuba.


  • Ministered to children and families scavenging the Guatemala City dump.
  • Constructed houses for widows in Chichicastenango, Guatemala.
  • Provided gospel-centered mentoring and feeding sessions for youth.


  • Joined the local church with relief efforts in the Southern Baja after a severe hurricane. Mobilized people & resources to construct a community food pantry as well as homes for elderly residents.
  • Conducted medical fairs for migrant farm workers in San Quintin as well as in the storm ravaged areas surrounding Cabo San Lucas. Families were able to see a physician, receive eyeglasses, learn about hygiene, hear the gospel, and be connected to a local church.
  • Provided biblical education materials and vitamins for impoverished children in the Southern Baja.


  • Helped equip a small Haitian church in Miami with the ability to transport people, supplies and food for the community.



  • Raised funding necessary to assist (un)adopted and Niños de la Luz in the construction of a second Boy’s home on the La Baliza Ranch in Cabarete, a small community just outside Puerto Plata
  • Contributed to ongoing costs for girl’s home in the Dominican operated by Score International


  • Provided educational materials for orphans in Casa Aleluya in Antigua


  • Coordinated trips for college students and young adults to serve in Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic
  • Distributed solid theological training materials to over 100 Pastors in Latin America
  • Conducted our first family trip with a team of 29 men, women and children, ages 3 to 62
  • Facilitated our first corporate trips with teams participating from Birmingham, AL and Abilene, TX 


  • Constructed a food pantry with local pastor from a barrio in the Southern Baja.  Meals and Bible teaching are now provided for 30-50 kids three times a week.
  • Teamed with Mexican Medical Ministries to conduct a brigada for migrant workers in San Quintin, Mexico which resulted in over 200 new professions of faith!  Connections were made with local pastors and churches for follow up and discipleship.
  • Served alongside a team of physicians in Palenque, Mexico where patients were provided life-saving surgeries


  •  Provided funds for the ongoing work and maintenance of Uncle Dick’s Orphanage in the Philippines



  • Traveled with a diverse team of 23 to spend a week working with Conexión Extreme Service and Christ for the City in some of the poorest areas of Costa Rica, in barrios (districts) called Carpio and Pavos, where there is tremendous need among the youth.
  • Engaged around 300 low income youth in order to help expand the reach of our local partners so that they are able to teach the youth valuable gospel truths and have an ongoing positive impact on the next generation.
  • Worked alongside an urban mission that provides meals along with training in life skills and character development for low income and at-risk children.


  • Traveled with a team of 11 partnered with Strategic Sports International on our inaugural trip to Cuba where we explored avenues for providing future humanitarian aid and disaster relief.
  • Observed areas of need among the local residents and noted effects of wide-spread oppression.
  • Assisted with a women’s conference, several youth conferences and a baseball camp.
  • Developed several key contacts which will allow us to move forward with meaningful work within the borders of this country.
  • Provided funding for new church plant in the Baracoa area of Eastern Cuba.
  • Provided funding though Strategic Sports International for the Campo Amor Home Ministry in Cuba.


  • Raised funding necessary to partner with (un)adopted in beginning the renovation of a Life Skills Center.  Inside the walls of this facility, older orphans will be taught valuable life and family skills.  In addition, the kids will learn trades and be set up with apprenticeships so that they will be able to successfully make the transition into society.
  • Led a team of volunteers to build relationships and to work alongside locals in renovating the building to be used for this purpose.
  • Partnered with the Christian Medical Ministries of Alabama and SCORE International in a clean water project in Santo Domingo, DR.  Helped in purchasing several water filtration systems for a team of medical professionals and students who are engaged in working to curb the health problems caused by contaminated drinking water.
  • The team was able to conduct valuable research and distribute filtration systems to many families based on level of need.   If properly cared for, these systems should provide the families with up to 10 years of safe drinking water.


  • Raised funding necessary to provide for specific needs list for Angelitos Dorm at Casa de Aleluya orphanage in San Bartolome, Guatemala.   Items included new kitchen appliances, pots and pans, clothing, furniture, and bibles.


  • Provided medicine for 4 large community health outreaches through Mexican Medical in the Northern Baja.
  • Raised the funds necessary to add a second story to a medical clinic in the Southern Baja which provides free medical care for impoverished families.
  • Provided funding for security wall for medical clinic in San Vicente, Mexico.  The clinic has been repeatedly broken into and vandalized, and the new wall has created a much safer and cost-effective environment for the ongoing work to serve the poor through the clinic.
  • Raised funds necessary to help meet payroll shortfall for service workers at the Gabriel House in Northern Baja, a home for 34 special-needs children.
  • Provided training materials to local pastors and raised funding needed for scholarships for additional coursework.
  • Partnered with Mexican Medical and the local church to conduct medical fairs for impoverished communities in the Southern Baja.
  • Furthered our relationship with a boy’s home in the Southern Baja by spending meaningful time with the kids and teaching biblical truths.
  • Shared the gospel and provided training materials to local business owners.


  • Helped provide fencing and basic security for land recently purchased outside Iquitos, Peru for a future boy’s orphanage to be operated by Not Forgotten ministries.



  • Led a team of volunteers to join “Conexion Extreme Service,” a mission organization based out of San Jose, Costa Rica, in delivering supplies to a nearby elementary school with very limited resources.
  • While in Costa Rica, also worked alongside locals to paint and make needed repairs to one of the school buildings.
  • Interacted with the school children and participated with the local staff in their work day.
  • Joined locals in repairing a washed out entrance to a family’s home in Tres Rios, Costa Rica
  • Also provided free medical care and supplies to children in Tres Rios.


  • Provided the majority of building materials necessary for a new home for a family living in poverty in the Lake Atitlan area of Guatemala. The recipient family will work alongside the staff and volunteers of Impacto so that they are able to enjoy a sense of accomplishment. They will also be empowered and able to learn various trades as well as organization and teamwork. These skills may then be passed along to others in the community.
  • Partnered with Impacto in Guatemala to send two truckloads of food, water and emergency supplies to the village of El Morro where children are starving. Continued involvement will take place within this community to build relationships, teach skills and trades so that the people are encouraged and empowered.
  • Provided 8 sewing machines, a new laptop computer, and misc. supplies to a program in Guatemala City formed to teach impoverished women to sew. These machines will be made available to the students through a “micro-finance” system so that they are able to purchase them and start a business to support their families. This program provides an opportunity for these families to generate sustainable income, and the funds received through the financing of the machines may be reinvested to purchase additional machines for future students.


  • Delivered boxes of donated medical supplies to assist impoverished families with healthcare needs in the Southern Baja.
  • Built an open-air structure called a “palapa” to be used for children’s classes and a shaded recreation area in a community outside Los Cabos, MX. We also assisted locals in finishing a cistern to provide water for a local church and helped construct a concrete roof for the church building in order to provide more insulation from the heat along with the capacity to add a second story in the future.
  • Implemented our Short-term Trip curriculum designed to highlight a series of biblical life application principles which greatly improve perspective and strengthen the participant’s commitment to their personal goals and life purpose.
  • Raised funding through a silent auction at Bisbee’s Black and Blue Marlin Tournament in Cabo San Lucas, MX to purchase medical supplies necessary to conduct health fairs through Mexican Medical Ministries.
  • Helped to raise money for maintenance at Casa Hogar boy’s orphanage in Cabo San Lucas.


  • Organized a team of volunteers to travel to Peru and spend a week at The Puerto Alegria Boy’s Home. Located deep in the Amazon rainforest about an hour up the Itaya River from Iquitos, the orphanage houses around 40 boys between the ages of 5 and 16.
  • During the week, we were able to assist them by finishing out several thatched roof huts which provided additional housing. Participants in Peru were also able to spend a good bit of time building meaningful relationships with the boys by swimming, hiking, fishing, and playing games.
  • Provided 10 rod and reel combos to The Puerto Alegria orphanage which were donated by Zebco and Vicious Fishing.



  • Delivered 11 large bags of supplies to organizations in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic for distribution.  This included medical supplies for a local public hospital, tools for ongoing relief work, clothing and school supplies for an orphanage and foster home program, and sporting goods for a youth league working primarily with needy children.
  • Purchased and delivered clean water filtration systems for over 50 families, each designed to provide clean and safe drinking water for 5 years.  The recipients came from a long waiting list of families who had completed certain community tasks required in order to “earn” a filtration system.  Rather than giving a handout, we were involved in strategically providing these precious families with a “hand up” – the encouragement of personal responsibility and  care for their own community.
  • Built a system of 6 showers for a slum community where residents previously bathed in the same water system from which they would drink.
  • Provided a new home for a family in extreme need.  We were able to connect with an impoverished family consisting of a single mom with 6 children, the youngest being only 18 months, whose home had partially collapsed due to extensive rot and termite infestation.  After clearing the lot and addressing a variety of unsanitary conditions, we were able to re-build a safe and secure structure for this family.
  • Engaged the local children and shared smiles, high-fives, hugs, games of chase, soccer, and a variety of other activities.


  • Facilitated a team of eight to go and work with a local orphanage.
  • Led by Tim Bower of Grace Klein Construction, Birmingham, AL.  This was Tim’s second time to travel to this area.
  • The team worked on project to help provide additional shelter for abused and abandoned children.



  • Delivered 15 large tubs of shoes, clothing, toiletries and small toys to children and families in an impoverished area just outside San Jose, Costa Rica.
  • Delivered 3 tubs or school supplies delivered to low income school outside San Jose, Costa Rica.
  • Added onto the home of an impoverished family with 4 children.  Consisting of only two small rooms, we added a third bedroom to their home as well as enclosed a kitchen and bathroom, both of which had previously been outdoors.
  • Enjoyed providing a modest “carnival” for impoverished children, complete with jump rope, swinging, ice cream, and even a game of soccer.
  • Painted the interior of a preschool which served children from low income, single parent homes.