Reel Life International is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization whose activities are supported by the generosity of those that believe in and support our efforts. Gifts may be considered tax-deductible.
Non-Profit 501(c)3 Status Acceptance Letter
As an organization, we are committed to the highest standards of accountability and financial integrity. Our Board of Directors oversee the financial affairs of the organization and insure that appropriate accountability measures are in place. Specifically, the Board reviews reports annually, while the board member serving as Treasurer reviews the financials on a monthly basis. Our commitment to you is to post annual reports of our activity and to make available our 990 tax forms and any internal assessments or audits. Anyone who desires to receive a copy of these documents may contact us and request one.
RLI often writes grants to fund projects through our field partner organizations. These strategic partnerships share in our vision and purpose.
Participants in our short-term trips raise or provide their own support. All sponsorships, gifts and funding must be sent and made payable to Reel Life International so that they may be properly receipted. If a person is short of funds or otherwise unable to make the planned trip, the participant has several options on how those funds can be designated. The gifts can be held for a period of 12 months to allow adequate time for another trip to be planned or to raise the additional support needed. For more specific information about funds for our mission trips, please view Financial Matters on the Preparation and FAQs page for our short-term mission trips.
All designated gifts are exclusively used for the stated, designated purpose. Gifts to RLI are under the control of the Board of Directors and are used exclusively for its exempt purposes. Reel Life funds are never used to pay for participant recreation of any kind. In the unlikely event that a program or project is over-funded or not able to be carried out, the board will redirect the funds to a similar purpose.
2022-2023 Expenses