Costa Rica, March 2014
Choosing to go on a short-term trip to Costa Rica this past spring break has been one of the best experiences of my life. Working with the orphanages and being with those kids really hit me hard. Even though they seemed so loving and happy, they came from an aggressive home life and were victims of sex trafficking. Hearing this broke my heart. Being able to show them God’s love and bringing them one step closer to feeling true joy made the entire experience that much more fulfilling. Even those that we were able to interact with in the poor village changed my perspective on so much in my own life. The fact that they knew the stories of the Bible and that they knew who Jesus was made me realize just how powerful the Lord can be even in areas such as these. I went on this trip with my mind, body, and heart open to anything God had in store for me, and walked away with much more then I could have ever imagined. I returned home with a hungry heart, an open mind, and a stronger faith.
~ Meg Adams