This summer Reel Life sent three couples to Miami to encourage, fellowship, and work alongside Pastor Bernard Anice and the Worship Center Blessed Ministries. Pastor Anice works six days a week in addition to pastoring his church on Sundays and hosting a weekly radio show. This church, made up primarily of Haitian refugees, has many needs, and the Reel Life team was focused on growing a strong relationship with them. We assisted in joint worship, food distribution to the congregation, fellowship, providing a cookout during revival services, purchasing groceries, and exploring ways to minister to the physical needs of congregation members. We are also able to provide ongoing funding to support Pastor Anice and the church.
Specifically, Reel Life was able to provide funds to the Worship Center for the purchase of a van to pick up members for worship services, as well as funds to rent U-Haul trucks for local food distribution. We helped purchase a projector as well as needed worship materials for the church. In addition, Reel Life is providing a monthly stipend for Pastor Anice in order to allow him more time to minister to his congregation and to spend time leading his family at home.
This was RLI’s third trip to Miami, and the members of the Reel Life team were amazed by the Worship Center’s love for each other and their steadfast worship of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Despite the fact that some of the congregation have physical hardships, poor living conditions, and lack of financial security, the church remains thankful for God’s provision to them. The Reel Life team came home from Miami with a renewed thankfulness for God’s love and grace, and for the people of the Worship Center.
We look forward to a long relationship with our brothers and sisters at the Worship Center Blessed Ministries in Miami!