Trip Testimonials

“It was the most powerful thing I’ve ever experienced in my entire life. The Holy Spirit was so alive. I think that sums up the trip for everyone. We all have this new motivation to spread the gospel.”
– George Keith Shamblin


“As you may know, I went to Cuba with Reel Life in 2017. That trip was so impactful in my walk with the Lord, and it is so cool to see how He used that to get me to where I am today.”

Missionary departing to serve in East Asia

“Without Reel Life, my life would not have been forever changed… My trip to Jimani (Dominican Republic) with Reel Life impacted my life more than anything ever has before.”
– Kristen Ledford


“During this trip I became a Christian. Christ came into my heart and I am a different man. I was dead inside and God has awakened what’s inside of me… While being a servant to the people as He commanded, we experienced a beautiful raw Christianity—without the garments, stained glass and all the trappings; a service of love, change and spiritual rewards that truly jarred my soul awake.”
– Terry O’Connell


“Our time in Ecuador was absolutely glorious! I fell in love with Christ in new ways, saw Him in new faces, and discovered how much bigger He is than I thought. I am eternally grateful for the time ministering to the beautiful people of Ecuador and would recommend anyone and everyone to travel to Ecuador to join Eduardo and his team in sharing the Love and Hope of Jesus Christ! This trip has encouraged me to pursue ministering the Gospel of Christ every day as I continue to walk with Him.”
– Mae Rose Tyson


“The trip exceeded every expectation we had coming in. This has become the #1 trip that I look forward to with my family, and we are going to do something every single year.”
– Jeff Travis


“This trip was humbling and encouraging; challenging and uplifting; powerful and simple. We saw the Lord at work through our team members in the powerful presentation of the gospel, kindness to strangers, the unity of our team and all done in the name of Jesus to the glory of God. Six people came to know Christ, seeds were planted, and prayers were answered.”
– Julie Boyd


“Our trip was incredible! We got to witness two people come to faith in the Lord, were able to show Christ’s love to the people of Ecuador and proclaim His name. I would love the opportunity to go back!”
– Philippa Sellick


“The trip to the Dominican Republic shaped me into the woman I am today; I am so grateful. God was working through you all in a mighty way!”
– Katherine Rodgers


“I grew closer to the Lord and have many takeaways that I can apply to life back home.”
– Britt Williams


“What an amazing trip this was! I was able to connect with people in my own community, but also was able to connect with those located in Ecuador!  What an impact this was in my own faith journey!”

-Sydney Frye

This mission trip was amazing and completely opened my eyes and changed my perspective. Going to Honduras really touched my heart in ways that I didn’t think possible. The Lord was so incredibly abundant in every second over there, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have gotten to witness the Lord move during the week.

– Ashleigh Mayeux


“Excellent trip serving alongside Potter’s House ministry (Guatemala) as we built a home for a deserving family, built a perimeter wall around the community center and made 20 scheduled prayer visits with community members. All of these activities provided opportunities for sharing our life together and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We were blessed to see several families make first time professions of faith in Christ.”
– David Walker


“I was blessed beyond measure. It was a learning experience for me and participating drew me closer to my brothers and Christ. The “Treasures” (people living at the Guatemala City dump) will forever be in my thoughts and prayers.”

– Henry Murphree


“It (our mission to Guatemala) gave me a renewed heart for missions in my own backyard.”
– Jadon Brumbach


“This week was the biggest blessing that the Lord has given me besides my salvation in Him. My confidence in Him grew and I found joy and comfort in prayer that I have never found before. One of my goals for the week was to be bold and I believe I met that and found a boldness in the Lord that I never would have thought possible. This experience has caused me to reflect so much on what my daily life looks like, how I treat those around me, and the plan that I have for the rest of my life.”
– Jessica Mouser


“This trip changed my perspective and broke my heart for those that don’t know Christ. I wasn’t expecting it to be to this degree, but seeing how this team has interacted alongside Potters House (Guatemala) was truly a blessing and being able to witness and teach was so amazing.”
– Caleb Orr


“God worked through prayer, through touch, through hospitality, and through community. I want the love of Christ that I show two others to now I’ll be more powerful, tangible, and lasting.”

Will Scogin

“It was a fabulous experience and was especially rewarding, as it allowed a broad range of mission-related involvement for our family, including evangelism, work projects, Vacation Bible School, and several medical clinics.”
– Dr. Drew Wilson


“The trip was incredible and I’m so blessed I was able to go on it! Can’t wait to go again!”
– Chandler Cox, Fullback, Auburn University


“I can’t think of a trip that would have more of an impact on a family than one like this. This was an invaluable experience and so encouraging to my walk as a believer.”
– Linda Dewberry


“My Reel Life trip caused the greatest spiritual growth in my life.  The accountability and friendships formed with other believers that are passionate for missions is helping me continue to grow.”

Jeff Newman

“This trip has returned to me the joy of my salvation.”
– Steve Barlow


“Hard to be back home after a week like this. So much purpose and community this past week.”  

  -Michael Ryan

“On our very first mission trip, I realized that God was calling us to get out of our comfort zone, put our daily distractions aside and use the gifting in each of us to serve others in His name.  I would love for everyone to experience that same peace and joy that comes from selflessly serving others.”

-Eddy Brown

“Saw the Lord work in ways I haven’t seen in a long time.  Truly blessed by this trip and excited to go back next year. My kids felt the same way and really want to go back next year too!”

-Rachael Hamilton

“You can’t go to San Quintin, MX and come back the same person. There is no way.”
– Anne Russell


“I want to tell you what an incredible experience my husband had while on the mission trip. I was totally amazed at what God did in his heart and life while he was on that trip. I feel like he learned things in those 8 days what took me months or longer over the course of my life to grasp. I guess God works on our hearts in different ways and at different times in our lives. Those 8 days really had an impact on him, and I know that he would like to go again sometime. I am so glad that my husband was able to go on this trip. Thanks for everything you all do at Reel Life to make it possible.”
– Theresa Sims


“Seeing the hands and feet of God on this trip and all He did through the community, me, and our team is simply amazing. Thank you for all you do to help connect the nations together.”

-Tosh Ramsey

“The physical needs were met to the best of our ability. However, more importantly, their emotional needs were met through the power of praying out loud with them. It was incredible witnessing God working through us for others which has given me perspective and inspiration returning home to be a disciple of Christ to the people I know, my patience, and anyone I run into.”

Ashley Richardson

“We all agreed that this was the best trip we have ever taken as a family.”
– Riley Logsdon


“Today was unlike anything I have experienced. I truly saw God do it all. He showed me joy. He reminded me to be thankful. He convicted my heart. And He made a way when none seemed possible.”

– Darius McNear

“So grateful to be able to spread the gospel with such an amazing group of people. Seeing God work this week in Panama was incredible. There is no better feeling than knowing that you are having an eternal impact on someone’s life.”

– Kyler Simmons

“This trip was our first family mission trip. It was an amazing experience to evangelize together and serve the Lord during the Christmas break. Without a doubt this has been our best family Christmas ever.”
– Trevor Lundstrom


“I would have never imagined my life would be transformed in just 5 days. I came on this trip as a college sorority girl that didn’t think I had time for the Lord because I was already so busy with the party scene, friends, and school. I started looking around in such a different way. I realized that these people with nothing have so much faith while I have everything with so little faith. I realized that God is good, and to live this life, we need God to be in it every day for the rest of our lives. I gave myself to Christ and trust in Him with my new beginning in life. You have taught me to not only love God in the Dominican, but to carry the love back to college and live for Him.”
– Sydney Penney


“This was my first international mission trip and I was blown away. To see the way other people live in this world gave me a unique point of view for my own life. God totally wrecked me on this trip and rebuilt me new. I feel like I’ve truly been transformed by the renewing of my mind.”
– Jacob Pugh


“This trip was truly amazing. To serve God’s people who differ so much from me has been life-changing. The thankful responses of our patients and their joy no matter their circumstances was indescribable. God truly worked through us and with us this week and gave us new knowledge and understanding and love to bring home with us.”

 – Alana Blocker

“Truly life changing. So much more than physical therapy.”

-Stacey Bailey

“This was my first mission trip and it was my favorite. I shared the gospel for the first time and led them to Christ.  It was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to come back.”

-Tanner Hutson

“I went to Cuba as a leader with our church’s college ministry and about 20-30 other college students not connected to my church. The experience was life changing as I saw students step out of their comfort zones and be vulnerable enough to share their testimonies in full for the first time. As a result, I saw more students experience the grace of the Gospel, and I, myself, came back with a deeper appreciation of what Jesus did for me and the impact His death and resurrection have on the people here in the United States and in Cuba.”
– Katie Chadwick


“I’ve been going to church every Sunday and just reading my bible more and more since the mission trip. I’m really excited about my future and relationship with Christ.”
– Jalen Harris, Tight End, Auburn University


“We both feel such a deep love for the people in DR that we want to do more to help. We do plan to continue to do missions in the DR. And continue to pray for all that we came in contact with. I’m so thankful for your organization that puts these trips together in such a precise way. I can not wait to do more trips through this organization! Thank you so much!!”
– Lesa P.


“Brothers and sisters at Reel Life International, I want to thank you for all of your support towards this ministry. This ministry is really young and needs a lot of help and we can’t do it without you. Glory be to God for bringing us together to work for the purpose of His Kingdom.”
– Pastor Bernard Anice


“Several teams have met people who have never heard the gospel, and after talking with them, they chose to dedicate their lives to Christ.”

-Caroline Knight

“Serving with Reel Life is an incredible blessing! Working with Reel Life International in San Jose Costa Rica was one of the best decisions I made in college. I would recommend taking a trip with Reel Life to absolutely anyone! Our trip had a mixture of families, high school, college students, and professionals. From seasoned mission trip veterans to first mission trip experiences, Reel Life International is a perfect fit. Serving with such a diverse team truly enriched the whole experience. I can’t wait to participate in another Reel Life Trip!”– Lauren Taylor

“I am forever changed through this trip, and cannot wait to see the way God uses all of the things we have learned back in the United States.”

-Megan Ponder

“Being a part of this mission trip made such an impact on my faith and relationship with Jesus. The opportunity to serve the people here was such a blessing and I know the experience I’ve had will stay with me the rest of my life. I can’t wait to share with my friends and my family all of the ways that God used me and challenged me on this trip!”

– Rebecca Kryck

“This trip was powerful. Not only were the lives of the Cubans changed but the lives of everyone on our team as well. We experienced how God’s love can change someone’s life, what healing can do in a person, & what a servants heart and desire to put your hand in the plow is/looks like. We learned and brought back with us in each of our hearts a soul on fire for God.”
– Madeline Lee


“Reel Life provided the opportunity for me to serve in a way that the Lord was calling me to…”
– Emily Sarver


“I would challenge, ask, and support anyone that would like to take a trip with Reel Life. I have been able to serve on these trips and with Reel Life for 4 years and I am always amazed at what this organization is doing. I recommend this trip to anyone that feels called to serve. Remember two things: this trip is for everyone and this trip will not only help you help others but will change the way that you live your life.”
– Travis Diggs


“You may have had thoughts along these lines in the past when considering the expense, time, and energy involved in committing to an international mission trip: ‘I don’t have to go to another country to share the gospel with others when I can do that here at home.’ To that I would say, ‘Yes, you are absolutely right,’ but I would challenge you to consider this an opportunity to take advantage of a rare privilege that the Lord desires to share with your family—time to step away from your fast-paced, hectic lifestyle here at home and be used by Him to be a vital part of the Great Commission.”
– Leigh Anne Travis


“To provide light where families can gather and communities can join in worship late into the evenings was truly a sight to see. I praise God for companies like Reel Life.”
– Parker Stephen


“As I listened to our testimonies and theirs, I was touched by the fact that no matter where we live, no matter what language we speak, no matter what our social status is, at a heart level, we are all really more alike than different. Struggles are universal and they hold no biases.”

-D’Anna Lundstrom

“Leaving was the hardest part. We took lots of time to say our goodbyes to a village that had been changed forever, not because of us, but solely because of Christ. Upon reflection I pondered what had changed in this village. What had really changed? Was it that this village had gotten clean water for the first time? Sure, and that was awesome. But was that the most miraculous thing we had seen this week? Praise God that it wasn’t! We had seen closed doors become open ones. Cursed hearts becoming blessed hearts. The sick being given healing. And a place that had no love finding the One True Love.”

– Alex Key

“That was the greatest trip of my life.”
– Colin Harper, age 16


“God truly restored joy and laughter in our lives through these new friends, through getting to take our eyes off ourselves, through getting to share THE best news with some who had never heard, through being reminded once again that all that matters in life is “the word of God and the souls of men.”
                                                                                                   -Shanna Phillips


“It was said that we are here to teach, learn, and share, but in reality, it is us that are doing the learning.  You cannot be amongst these beautiful Christians in these difficult circumstances and not have your own soul and walk with the Lord, forever changed.”

– Charlie Reagan

“It was worth all of the time and money and energy. It was eye opening as to the needs of the world, physical and spiritual. It was also encouraging to see God work in and through the team.”
– Olan Stubbs


“I can’t believe it’s already time to leave… it seems like we just got here! Dad, this is my favorite place in the whole world!”
– Brooks Travis, age 10


“The highlight of our trip was to see the smiles on the children’s faces when we built them a play-set for their school. We would absolutely recommend a trip to anyone who wants to get out of their current perspective and see how God is working in other parts of the world.”
– John Abernathy


“You will return a better person. Getting directly involved in missions gives you a new perspective if you have never experienced it before. If you have, going on a trip recharges your spiritual battery in a way you must experience to understand.”

-Andy Martin

“It was truly life-changing. My interactions with the people of Ecuador taught me how to be bold and intentional about sharing God’s love in every situation.”
 – Josh Reid

“I would definitely recommend this trip. In addition to the beautiful country and people you will see and meet, there is something about going that opens you up to trust God more than maybe you ever have. It’s a wonderful experience.”
– Garrett Wilkey


“We’ve all seen poverty when traveling, but there’s a big difference between seeing it from a van window and actually getting your hands dirty. The week I spent working with Reel Life in the DR impacted me as much personally as our work impacted the local people.”
– Charlie Levine


“It’s truly amazing how God is using Reel Life to minister to street children throughout Central and Latin America.”
– Hunt Treadwell


“Some people (I used to be one of them) don’t feel like they should go on a mission trip because they ‘don’t feel a calling for the people of XYZ.’  Well, I don’t think you CAN feel compassion for the people until you go—until you get a glimpse into their lives and hear their stories.  You don’t go because you feel called. You feel called because you go.”
– Sydney Shamblin


“It was nothing short of an incredible trip and we received far more than we gave.”
– Jose Wejebe


“Reel Life International is a great ministry that is reaching lives for Christ… I would encourage you to go and engage with the locals and to build relationships with the in-country workers for Christ.”
– Cody Crossland


“This experience will change the way I see my life forever.”

                                                                             – Charlie Meagher, age 17

“Regardless of color, language, and socioeconomic status, we all believe in the same living God who saves… It was the most breathtaking moment of my life.”
– Caitlin Miller


“The trip opened my eyes and gave me a new perspective on life and how to love people. I could write a book on this trip, and I’m so thankful for the opportunity God has given me through Reel Life to get to know the people of Haiti. Lord willing, I will definitely be going back next year!”
– Jordan Cook


“This Ecuador trip has been one of the highlights of my short life so far.”
– Nathan Fell


“We would recommend a trip like this to everyone. We can still see the smiles and appreciation on the faces of the young and old that we met through this adventure.”
– Ted & Reenie Townley


“I loved seeing many different people coming together to work the medical fair. I loved the VBS and playing with the kids. I loved witnessing a baptism of two team members in the ocean! I loved doing the construction to the hospital! I loved serving others… I would and already have recommended the trip to others. It would be great to bring the whole family.”
– Nanette Bickel


“Last spring, I traveled with 15 to 20 other college students to Costa Rica. We were able to teach gospel truths and help share what the love of Christ really is. It was an amazing time!
– Laren Lewis


“I would highly recommend this trip to ANYONE and EVERYONE.”
– Miranda Acres


“I have heard comments from the staff about how wonderful it is to work with your teams. They have nothing but compliments about how strong their faith is and how much passion is put into sharing the gospel. We wish more teams would be as easy to work with like yours.”
– Tito Zepeda, Missionary in Guatemala


“God showed up in every aspect of the mission trip.”
– David Walker


“This week has been one of the best weeks of my life.”

-Eduardo Andrade, missionary host with International Ministry of Jesus in Ecuador

“I had an incredible, life-changing experience, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to go with Reel Life.”
– Katie Hammond


“Our trip to Haiti was life-changing. My prayer each day is that we will never forget what we saw and what we learned and that we will take those lessons into each day of our lives. We cannot wait to go back!”
– Molly Ainsworth


“It truly was a life-changing experience for me. The curriculum we covered everyday was exactly what I needed.”
– Hagan Scott


“It was literally a trip of a lifetime, and I am forever grateful for the opportunity to join RLI in Costa Rica.”
– Leigh Ann Hall


“I had never been out of the country or even on a plane for that matter, but the people in my group assured me it would change my life, and it surely did. It was an amazing experience, and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to make a change in someone’s life while changing their own.”
– Jessica Perryman


“I am so thankful for your ministry. Reel Life has allowed hundreds of people to serve their Creator in ways they never thought they could and that inspires and expands their own faith. Love you guys!”
– Craig Libby, Vice-President, Mexican Medical Ministries


“I went on my first mission trip with my 16 year old daughter because she wanted to go and I would not let her go without me. I’m so glad I listened to her. The week we spent serving together in Mexico is a memory I will treasure forever. It truly changed me for the better, and it was wonderful to see my daughter thrive through the experience. I felt God’s presence during that week, and I came back a better mother and a much better wife.”
– Paula Ryan


“This has been a very pivotal moment in my life, and I am glad I was able to experience it.”

-Henry Randall

“I have had such a blessing from your ministry, and I want to bring all of my family in the future, especially my grandchildren.”
– Keith Russell


“Looking back on the mission trip, I have learned to share my testimony, be confident in my faith and I’m extremely excited to go back home and share the gospel with my friends, teammates and anyone else I may encounter, just as I have learned to share with Panamanians on this mission trip.”

– Rob Yates

“I met this lady who had next to nothing, but I tell you, I have never seen a person so happy and full of joy. She impacted my life greatly, as she showed me what loving the Lord looks like, even in the worst situations, and how powerful a life with Jesus can really be.”
– Logan Cole


“God worked in so many amazing ways on this trip. This was the best trip I have ever been on. My life has truly been changed and I have grown spiritually, personally, and professionally.”
 – Jaylyn Felder

“Thank you for all you guys did while you were here. I know that the Hondurans were very blessed and us as well. You guys are AWESOME!!”– Ritchie Womack
Missionary in Honduras with Forgotten Children’s Ministry


“I like this mission trip better than Christmas!”
– Collier O’Neal, age 9


“I’m just super motivated to use this week as a foundation for my faith moving forward into this year and I hope to keep strengthening my faith and my confidence to be more open about my faith to my close peers back home. Thanks again for inviting me on this life changing mission trip. I feel like I have grown so much in this one week.”

– Noah Mumme

“As we return to Alabama, I pray that we take advantage of opportunities to share the gospel with people in our communities. I am thankful to have been able to join this team and look forward to sharing with my congregation what the Lord has done.”

-Luis Leon

“When you serve with your family, you serve your family.”

– Stacey Meagher

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