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*Ecuador Medical Trip 2022

Join Reel Life in Ecuador!!

Far from the distractions of daily life, you will be able to take part in a medical setting learning and serving along the coast of Ecuador.  Medically minded students will be learning about third world medicine and serving among the poorer communities around Pedenales, Ecuador.  We will be serving alongside the coastal clinics where students will accompany the staff to their respective worksites to serve the 52 communities there.  Activities include going door to door and assessing needs and working with staff to implement care.  In addition, students will bring vitamins to share with the children and older adults.  The gospel message will be woven through each segment of the trip as we go, serve, and learn.

In addition, your trip leader will guide your team through a series of biblical life applications, positioning each team member to gain new perspectives and experience life changing biblical truth. Please Contact Us or your Trip Leader or Trip Coordinator with any general questions.


Total Cost: $1100 plus airfare

  • Tax deductible
  • Covers food, lodging, ground transport, insurance, supplies and administrative costs

Prices quoted are estimates only and may change slightly up or down due to circumstances beyond our control.


Please submit all form photocopies and payments to:

Reel Life International
PO Box 661105
Birmingham, AL 35266

Or email scanned versions to Trips@Reel-Life.org


Please Contact Us or this Trip Leader or Trip Coordinator with any questions.

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