Join us for an incredible mission opportunity! Far from the distractions of everyday life, you will be able to take part in the immensely rewarding work of assisting those in need in Haiti through sports ministry, VBS, and food distribution, all while sharing the Gospel. Serving alongside But God Ministries, engage with the citizens of this community to bring hope that only comes from the love of Christ. In addition, your trip leaders will guide your team through a series of biblical life applications, positioning each team member to gain new perspectives and experience life changing biblical truth. Please Contact Us or your Trip Leader or Trip Coordinator with any general questions.
Total Cost $1525
- Tax deductible
- Base cost covers flight, food, lodging, ground transport, insurance, supplies and administrative costs.
Due December 15th
- RLI Sign Up Form (Contact us if you need printed copies mailed to you)
- $300 non-refundable deposit
- Make A Payment
Due January 15th
- Photocopy of Passport (or information about application process) If you are traveling internationally, make sure your passport is valid 6 months beyond your dates of travel.
- Minor waiver for those under age 18
Due March 1st
- Remaining balance of $1225
During this trip, your days may be spent here doing construction work, medical work, dental work, agricultural work, work with the children in the orphanage, evangelism, Bible studies, Vacation Bible School activities for children, sports activities such as soccer and basketball, and other work. There is a place for everyone age 10 and up regardless of his/her skills.
You will also hear experienced, frontline missionaries share practical, godly principles they have learned as they share God’s love with the people of Haiti. Please Contact Us or this Trip Leader or Trip Coordinator with any general questions.
Please submit all form photocopies and payments to:
Reel Life International
PO Box 661105
Birmingham, AL 35266
Or email scanned versions to