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Uganda 2015

Join Reel Life and Sozo Children in Uganda!

Far from the distractions of everyday life, you will be able to take part in the immensely rewarding work of assisting orphans and impoverished families in Uganda. Serving alongside our field partners at  Sozo Children, we engage with the citizens of this community to bring hope that only comes from the love of Christ. Sozo’s sole purpose is “to glorify God by interceding on Christ’s behalf to save children in need, build communities, and connect individuals to all experience the love of Jesus Christ.” In addition, your trip leader will guide your team through a series of biblical life application principles, positioning each team member to gain new perspectives and experience life changing biblical truth. Please Contact Us or your Trip Leader or Trip Coordinator with any general questions.


Total Cost is $1350 + Airfare

  • Tax deductible
  • $1350 Covers food, lodging, ground transport, insurance, supplies and administrative costs.
  • Flight will cost between $1400-$1700

+ Optional Recreation Activity

  • Additional cost to participant depending on activity
  • Non tax-deductible
  • Depending on availability, options may include activities such as safari, Nile River, etc.


Due February 12th

Due February 26th

  • Second payment of $1050

Due March 12th

  • Remaining balance – Cost of Flight (around $1400-1700)


Currently, Sozo Uganda houses 81 children in four homes on the ground. The team will have the opportunity to stay at a guesthouse that is located on the property of our compounds. Our primary purpose in Uganda is to sacrificially love others just as Jesus displayed for the entire world on the cross. We will do that by serving the Sozo children and staff, construction projects, working alongside community members, and evangelism in a local village. Please Contact Us or this Trip Leader or Trip Coordinator with any general questions.


Please submit all form photocopies and payments to:

Reel Life International
PO Box 661105
Birmingham, AL 35266

Or email scanned versions to Trips@Reel-Life.org